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Made in the UK 69

Stuart, Alan and Colin give you six of the best. Stuarts Submissions: Fever, by The Exits (Portsmouth) People say,by The Chinese Fireworks Company (London) Alans Submissions: The Shallow Call (Northwich) Frank Bruno Where we all hang around Colins Submissions Cradle,… Read More »Made in the UK 69

Made in the UK 68

Graham from It’s a frogs life hosts this week with Colin in the middle and another great submissions by Dave of The Bugcast. Grahams Submissions: Driven to Dance, Oxbow Lake Orchestra (Edinburgh) Second Coming,by Azoora (London) Colins Submissions: Hertz, by… Read More »Made in the UK 68

Made in the UK 67

Rowley hosts this week with some great tunes, with some great help from Colin and Pete. Rowleys Submissions: Dentistry in the 1970s, by The Temple Cloud Country Club (Somewhere) Sweet Revenge, by Jackson Caged (Leicester) Petes Submissions: Euston Station, by… Read More »Made in the UK 67

Made in the UK 66

Another new host – Stuart from Insomnia Radio UK, here to tickle your musical earbuds. With some great tunes from around the UK too, Colin and Rowley join the fray Stuarts Submission: Medicine, by Ryko Saints (London) We cannot function,… Read More »Made in the UK 66