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Made in the UK 71

Pete Cogle introduces the show this time, with come great tunes, helped along by Rowley and Colin. Pete Submissions: Riot Inc, The Soap Company (Croydon) Sensei, Max Hall (Nottingham) Rowleys Submissions: Fist of Time, by The Daylight Faded (London) Fyrom,… Read More »Made in the UK 71

Made in the UK 70

Gabor, Colin and Pete showcase some great UK music this week. Be sure to check them and the artists out. Gabors Submissions: These Days, by Robin Grey (London) Natural High, by Lowstar (London) Petes Submissions: Headlines, by Petr Cech Didn’t… Read More »Made in the UK 70

Made in the UK 65

Ths time around, Graham, Colin and Gabor delight you with music from: Graham Submission: Got your number, by Becky Gerams (Portsmouth) Ten times tonight, by Lucy Styles (Liverpool) Gabors Submission: Soulmate, by Mr. Smith (Sussex) Treasure it because you care… Read More »Made in the UK 65